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Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm permanent....

Opinion.... everyone has one about everything. That's where the fun begins, no matter how predictable or how spontaneous yours is, its always the best :P.
And amongst the innumerable of them, there are 3 things you can do. Not every time, but as an instinctive act, most of the time one will be chosen.
1. Give up, be convinced
2. Deny, convince
3. Weather right or wrong, gather more like yourself

Now, lets jump to somewhere in future. Lets see where, or rather how are you.
1. The one who got convinced more often.
A little confused, maybe dissatisfied, envious!!. Your opinion does matter. Its just that the person sitting next to you will be thinking "ok.... bring it on ". Trust me, all this time trying to find a common ground, you have done the best job.
"convince" whenever you will, you will strive for the next.

2. The one who convinced more.
You yourself maybe dazzled by your genius, and so maybe some others. But there will be people, a few, waiting for, expecting trouble. Thinking "I knew it."
Willingly surrender, you will sometimes "be convinced" , just to fit in.

3. The one who was busy gathering!
Assuming that majority is always right, you are everyone's favorite. If you can, this is the best thing to do. But the question is "Okk... the best!!. Is it the right one too??".
realize, if you could, you are a headache to the other two

Enough of this crap now.. lets get to the point.
Wherever you place yourself, wherever you place me, I wouldn't let these categories overrule the way I see you. And I believe you wouldn't even.

"When you think that you’re all alone
And all you know seems so far away and everything is temporary,
Rest your head
I'm permanent....."

And if you are reading this I'd love to know what you feel. Whoever you are, feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. It all depends on the person professing his opinions. If the person is credible enough, there is no harm in gathering. Any opinion should be without prejudice.
