So..... this process involves emphasis on reality based interpretations of information and actively seeks to minimize the many ifs, buts, ands and maybes that may haunt us. We often tend to ‘read into’ situations, things which in reality are not there, it is our own interpretations which are faulty.
He advanced 3 basic strategic questions to a process of cognitive restructuring
What is the evidence supporting the current conclusion ?
What is another way of looking at the same situation but reaching another conclusion? What will happen if, indeed, the current conclusion is correct?
Its funny that it'll take you to lose something to notice that someone else is missing something else. And the funnier thing is that this can be easiest to digest at times, and hardest to swallow at others.
I'll follow what i think is right, and if u follow what u think is right, we may no longer walk together, but we'll meet again at the stage called "happiness" .
All I have to say was best quoted in a blog i came across,
Awesome, you are one of the best when it comes to writing n waise bhi, God Bless You :))))