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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time Travel - The couple paradox

You and I could take off right now - to a better world, into the future perhaps, or maybe into the past 

Nothing could better unite two minds than an alienation from their surroundings. When such minds meet, their desperation at establishing a genuine connection with someone contradicts their belief in the impossibility of such connection. The fragility of the first few moments, if overcome, would lead to the strongest of communions humans will ever know.

She witnessed a constant transfusion of ideas and feelings. After having spent only a few hours together, Aretha felt a sort of kinship with Nolan.
The strongest of all bonds exists between survivors of the same misfortune. It was evident in her intent disposition towards his words – the existence of such bond. She could relate to everything he said, and he said little.
This was seven years ago. They exchanged thoughts, ideas, emotions, but never events. In this description of what they felt, they had chosen to leave out the causes of such emotions. It was clear though, that they both were distant, disconnected, and alienated in their own way. Their surroundings did not fit them, or perhaps they did not fit their surroundings.
But that said, they were obsessed with the idea that a world beyond this – their world – existed. They took off in a time machine to 7 years in the future in the quest of such world.
Their counterparts the further distant future, 20 years from now had lived through, and were utterly depressed and disappointed at their own decision. They abhorred the idea that in attempt at an escape from a selected few they had deliberately isolated themselves from everyone – that they had lived their lives in scorn of everyone else
That said, they took off to go back 13 years to restart what they had previously started. They had carefully and unknowingly programmed their own doom.
A moment ago they took off from future and past to reach now and begin their lives again. Both couples would not survive their collision with themselves – in the present only one could remain – either the one that took off from future, or the one from past.
There has been a glitch in time. Destiny has played them over. Nolan, now, is from past and Aretha from future. They almost recognize each other, but do not believe. They look at each other and decide not to say another word, ever. The only thing that keeps them together, now – is for Nolan the bond heformed 7 years ago, and for Aretha the same bond she formed 20 years ago. And none was weaker than the other.

But what would time make of the others faced with this paradox.

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