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Friday, November 9, 2012

Song for the lost insanity

“Everywhere this bewildering urge for life, fruitfulness, creation-and only I, although like the humblest grass of the fields one of God's creatures, may not take part in this festival of resurrection, at any rate not except as a spectator with grief and envy” – Hugo Wolf

This journey has turned pathless and in sane
The roads no longer exist.
We jump through, and in between
Scrambled destinations that persist-
Destiny and its nations!

We jump aimless from beginning to ends,
From ends to ends
In search of the star that in kinship sends
Her dreams across the raging seas
Waging war against the men of creed!

The dream, she says is of a journey together
Of an endless road and everchanging weather
The untiring and stimulating ride of a litetime,
Increasingly audacious and insane,
And increasingly fine!

But day follows night and night follows day
And I jump through places in a tasteless dismay
And jump through places that are no longer there
Fall through the cracks – fallen for the winds to sway
And carry the light of whatever remains!

The remains of whatever remains –
That was once a road filled with lovers
And friends of hope -
They would lend and borrow
Stories of despair and abandon
And rise and dance to the world’s indifference!

They knew that the journey had no end
Knew that the apathy would not end
But now, oh dear, now! Oh lord – How lost!

How sanely lost they are –
Cursing the end of journey and themselves
Longing for insanity again!

They and us – we all know
That this river goes two ways
This way and that way – sadness or madness!

They are escapes - illusions of freedom
From one another.
Tell me, dearest, what escape is madness off sadness
Or sadness off madness
For man nurses man for both!

We rose and fell everyday
The rise be sweet and fall sweeter, we’d pray
Much like the day itself
Passed though the event horizon time and again
Oh! The point of no return, sweetest to say!

The point of no return would return
Time and again
To claim the light, and yet would remain
Resigned from it in utter dismay
Oh! The lost insanity gave us a way away!

Cure me of this sanity – of this completeness
Of my incomprehension of the invisible.
Inspire me again to imagine that can never be,
And fight for love and peace,
And burn for warmth and dream for serenity!

Rise, Oh bright star, rise again
The night is upon us –
Rise and sing the good old song,
Take me back to insanity -
Take us back to the world we belong.

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