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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ode to the point of no return

The possessions that pass for life, so fragile
The good, the bad, the right, the wrong.
Dominion, humming a freedom song,
Envy, wearing the facsimile of a fake smile

Who, in a world ideal, shall stand aside?
Confession, lacking innocence but guilt too
Confrontation, self indulgent and childish too
Who is to win the beauty, to claim the pride?

Those who lay still, claiming aloud
To have raised the world from ashes?
Or those dancing amidst the crashes,
Holding still higher, heads that never bowed?

The path must have been hard to discern,
For who wished to reach beyond life
Have fallen into death, and are safe,
Singing ‘Ode to the point of no return’.