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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Face Number 1001

In villages adorned with silence 

would you become the cause of your own exile?

imagine a knock on the door, a damsel in distress

or a dragon of mighty proportions; and charge at life

as if to tame it, hurling yourself at it

against all advice of the village elders


Wisdom is cheap unless paid for 

in tokens of misery; and then it's cheap again

because you can't sell it


Those that become their worst enemies

must constantly be wiser than the ones waiting

for the worldly sufferings 

It's either that or cheap wisdom of the gods

that rampages through the ruins of the lives 

and the living that think they have suffered


There was something to the idea of viewing

and witnessing everything as a war

a war for victory, a dignified loss, or even survival

There was something to the idea

of going to sleep wearing armor


The idea of keeping your enemies close 

struck so deep that Mr none-the-wiser pledged

to himself his own ruin.

No one else would ever get so close, after all.


Then it was just a matter of deciding

whether to fight himself in search of wisdom

or to exile himself on account of his stupidity