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Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Ellipsis

Of tall glinting steel walls
Pitched against walls of horror
Of a horror beneath the walls crawls
And a plague creeps up taller and taller.

Of walls staring at walls
Screaming from a distance,
The tale and the teller alike the walls
The walls alike their stories,
Parted by worlds,
Screaming at the other,
Screaming for the other
Never halting
Never moving

Wailing and wishing to outrun the space
And outlive the skies
Taller and taller they grow
The horror crawls still,
The plague creeps still

Succumb into themselves, exhausted
Or enraged, would they engulf the world,
Like they did their makers, and their horrors
Their horrors screaming from a distance
Screaming at the other’s,
Screaming for the other’s
And their makers parted by worlds
Never reaching,
Never moving,
And yet, never halting